Keith O’Gorman

B Corp. Law Honours Degree NUIG
LLB Postgraduate Degree NUIG
Diploma in Employment Law
Member of the Law Society of Ireland
Member of Friary Law Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Other Skills
Accredited Mediator


About Keith

Keith joined the firm in 1998 and is a Partner. He is an experienced conveyancer with detailed knowledge of property sales and purchases, both residential and commercial. He has wide expertise in banking, employment law and probate. He represents a wide range of private clients, corporate bodies, lending institutions and various sporting organisations.

News & Updates 

Companies Act 2014 – A guide

Companies Act 2014 – A guide

Companies Act 2014 – A practical guide for your Business Since the Companies Act 2014 commenced at the beginning of this month, M.G. Ryan and Co. have been busy advising a number of our clients on the implication for their businesses. We felt that it would be helpful...

MedTech News

MedTech News

This week we were delighted to attend UCD’s Biomedical Engineering Department. Kevin Moore spoke about the key legal steps to be negotiated by med-tech spin-outs and start-ups. It is always great to hear about the good work going on @UCDBiomedEng